99 research outputs found

    Robust control of a bimorph mirror for adaptive optics system

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    We apply robust control technics to an adaptive optics system including a dynamic model of the deformable mirror. The dynamic model of the mirror is a modification of the usual plate equation. We propose also a state-space approach to model the turbulent phase. A continuous time control of our model is suggested taking into account the frequential behavior of the turbulent phase. An H_\infty controller is designed in an infinite dimensional setting. Due to the multivariable nature of the control problem involved in adaptive optics systems, a significant improvement is obtained with respect to traditional single input single output methods

    A New Mixed Iterative Algorithm to Solve the Fuel-Optimal Linear Impulsive Rendezvous Problem

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    International audienceThe optimal fuel impulsive time-fixed rendezvous problem is reviewed. In a linear setting, it may be reformulated as a non convex polynomial optimization problem for a pre-specified fixed number of velocity increments. Relying on variational results previously published in the literature, an improved mixed iterative algorithm is defined to address the issue of optimization over the number of impulses. Revisiting the primer vector theory, it combines variational tests with sophisticated numerical tools from algebraic geometry to solve polynomial necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality. Numerical examples under circular and elliptic assumptions show that this algorithm is efficient and can be integrated into a rendezvous planning tool

    Measures and LMI for impulsive optimal control with applications to space rendezvous problems

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    This paper shows how to find lower bounds on, and sometimes solve globally, a large class of nonlinear optimal control problems with impulsive controls using semi-definite programming (SDP). This is done by relaxing an optimal control problem into a measure differential problem. The manipulation of the measures by their moments reduces the problem to a convergent series of standard linear matrix inequality (LMI) relaxations. After providing numerous academic examples, we apply the method to the impulsive rendezvous of two orbiting spacecrafts. As the method provides lower bounds on the global infimum, global optimality of the solutions can be guaranteed numerically by a posteriori simulations, and we can recover simultaneously the optimal impulse time and amplitudes by simple linear algebra

    Synthèse de correcteurs robustes périodiques à mémoire et application au contrôle d'attitude de satellites par roues à réaction et magnéto-coupleurs

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    Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire constituent une contribution à la conception de méthodes systématiques pour l analyse et la commande de systèmes périodiques et incertains. Une partie importante de cette thèse est également consacrée au contrôle d attitude de satellites dont la dynamique se prête naturellement à une représentation sous forme de modèles périodiques soumis à des incertitudes. La première partie propose une présentation unifiée des résultats d analyse et de synthèse de modèles périodiques et incertains à temps-discret via des méthodes basées sur des inégalités linéaires matricielles (LMI) et en s appuyant sur la théorie de Lyapunov. Par la suite, l accent est mis sur une nouvelle classe de correcteurs périodiques à mémoire pour lesquels l entrée de commande est construite en utilisant l historique des états du système conservés en mémoire. Des exemples numériques démontrent que ces nouveaux degrés de liberté permettent de repousser les limites des performances robustes. La seconde partie s intéresse aux aspects de périodicité et de robustesse du contrôle d attitude de satellite rencontrés notamment lors de l utilisation des magnéto-coupleurs. Ces actionneurs s appuient sur le champ géomagnétique variant périodiquement le long de l orbite du satellite. Différentes stratégies de commande sont mises en œuvre et comparées entre elles avec le souci constant de tenir compte des principales limitations des actionneurs. Cette démarche conduit à une nouvelle loi de commande périodique régulant le moment cinétique des roues à réactions sans perturber le contrôle d attitude dont l effort de commande est réparti sur l ensemble des actionneurs.This manuscript reviews contributions to the development of systematic methods for analysis and control of periodic uncertain systems. An important part of this thesis is also dedicated to the design of attitude control systems for satellites whose dynamics is naturally represented as a periodic model subject to uncertainties. The first part is devoted to the developpement of a unifying presentation of the analysis and synthesis results of periodic, uncertain and discrete-time models via methods relying on linear matrix inequalities (LMI) and based on Lyapunov theory. Subsequently, the focus is on a new class of periodic control laws with memory for which the control input is constructed using history of the states of the system kept in memory. Numerical experiments show that these new degrees of freedom can outperformed the existing results. The second part deals with periodic and robustness aspects of attitude control of a satellite using magnetorquers. These actuators use the geomagnetic field that varies periodically along the orbital trajectory. Different control strategies are implemented and compared with one another with the constant concern of taking the main limitations of the actuators into account. This approach leads to a new control law regulating the momentum of the reaction wheels without disturbing attitude control for which the control effort is shared by all actuators.TOULOUSE-ISAE (315552318) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A Power Series Expansion based Method to compute the Probability of Collision for Short-term Space Encounters

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    Rapport LAAS n° 15072This article provides a new method for computing the probability of collision between two spherical space objects involved in a short-term encounter under Gaussian-distributed uncertainty. In this model of conjunction, classical assumptions reduce the probability of collision to the integral of a two-dimensional Gaussian probability density function over a disk. The computational method presented here is based on an analytic expression for the integral, derived by use of Laplace transform and D-finite functions properties. The formula has the form of a product between an exponential term and a convergent power series with positive coefficients. Analytic bounds on the truncation error are also derived and are used to obtain a very accurate algorithm. Another contribution is the derivation of analytic bounds on the probability of collision itself, allowing for a very fast and - in most cases - very precise evaluation of the risk. The only other analytical method of the literature - based on an approximation - is shown to be a special case of the new formula. A numerical study illustrates the efficiency of the proposed algorithms on a broad variety of examples and favorably compares the approach to the other methods of the literature

    Théorie de Lyapunov, commande robuste et optimisation

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    The field of robust control provides the theoretical principles and the numerical tools used to design engineering control systems that give adequate performance in face of uncertain environment. Since the 80s, robust multivariable control theory has developed formal methods that deal with key issues ranging from early theory of control disturbances rejection to stability and performance margins optimization. The robust control theory is built on applied mathematics (mathematical framework), operations research (optimization) and computer science (complexity theory and algorithms theory). Deeply rooted in rigorous mathematics, the aim of robust control is to develop theoretical and computational tools for versatile practical applications ranging from guidance and control of aerospace systems, to control systems for the manufacturing industries, and control of communication systems. As numerical tractability is a critical issue for realistic applications, new optimization tools are central to the development of the field. Beyond the usual relationships between both communities (optimization and control communities), a more subtle link relates the optimization theory to the control theory. Lyapunov theory, first used in an instrumental way by control practitioners, is the theoretical tool that formalizes this deep link between the two fields. Different facets of this idea are illustrated in this document. After exposing the general context of robust analysis and control as well as the particular related optimization problems, it is shown how a great number of results obtained in the framework of Lyapunov theory may be viewed as Lagrangian relaxations.Les récents développements en programmation semi-définie positive et en optimisation globale ont montré que les échanges entre les communautés de la théorie de la commande et de l'optimisation sont souvent à l'origine d'avancées significatives dans l'une ou l'autre des communautés. Originellement défini en théorie de la commande robuste, le formalisme lié aux inégalités matricielles linéaires a rapidement permis de développer le champ original de recherche en théorie de l'optimisation connu sous le terme de programmation semi-définie positive. En retour, les nombreux progrès théoriques (théorie de la dualité, méthodes de barrière...) et numériques (méthodes de points intérieurs, optimisation non différentiable...) ont fourni un support rigoureux à la majeure partie des développements algorithmiques produit en théorie de la commande robuste. Pour tous les formalismes actuellement utilisés en analyse et synthèse robustes allant de la théorie du mu (analyse et synthèse) au cadre de travail défini par les contraintes intégrales quadratiques, en passant par la théorie de la séparation des graphes, il est nécessaire de disposer d'une théorie de l'optimisation adéquate ainsi que des outils numériques efficaces associés. Au delà des liens habituels unissant les deux communautés, il nous a semblé qu'une relation plus subtile les liait. Outre le fait que les notions de performance et de robustesse conduisent naturellement à celle d'optimisation, les recherches entreprises et les résultats obtenus en théorie de la commande montrent souvent une parenté étroite avec le corpus issu de la théorie de l'optimisation. Une formalisation possible de ce lien organique entre les deux champs scientifiques est constituée par la théorie de Lyapunov. Nous nous attachons donc à illustrer les différents aspects que peut recouvrir la relation entre optimisation et théorie de la commande robuste. L'accent est particulièrement placé sur la théorie de Lyapunov, même si celle-ci n'en épuise pas t outes les facettes. Ainsi, après avoir présenté le contexte général de l'analyse et de la synthèse robustes et les problèmes d'optimisation particuliers qui leur sont liés, nous montrons comment de nombreux résultats obtenus dans le cadre de la théorie de Lyapunov peuvent être interprétés en terme de relaxations

    An Efficient Numerical Solution for H2 Static Output Feedback Synthesis

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    International audienceThis paper addresses the problem of static output feedback synthesis and focuses on § ©¨opt imisation. The bilinear problem of finding a control feedback gain and a Lyapunov matrix is shown to be equivalent to a BMI problem that involves slack variables and a state feedback gain. This BMI condition is a promising theoretical result that links the two state and output feedback questions in a unified formulation. Based on this new expression, an efficient numerical procedure is derived. Some telling examples show that it is quite competitive compared to other algorithms proposed in the literature. Extensions to robust § ¨opt imal synthesis are derived. They show that unlike other BMI approaches, the method is of the same complexity if the system is certain or uncertain
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